

Wordle is a free browser game. It was created by Josh Wardle, a British Software Engineer in New York as a symbol of love for his life partner, Palak Shah, Wordle was designed as an entertaining game for the couple to get together and relax. The puzzle game requires players to find the correct word once per day with only 6 guesses. Each time, they will start to figure out what the right word is based on how they've tried and failed before.


Wordle's gameplay

The gameplay of Wordle can be said to be extremely easy to understand. A player will have six attempts to correctly guess a 5-letter word. Through each guess, the squares will change color to indicate whether the player has found the correct letter and whether it matches the position of the correct word.


If the cell of a letter turns green, the letter is both correct and in place. If it turns orange, the letter appears in the correct word, but in the wrong place. If the cell remains gray, the letter is completely incorrect.


After making all six guesses, the day's turn is over. Wordle only gives players 1 word per day and that word is the same for all players globally.


5 winning strategies

- The first Wordle word is very important: This is the word so that you can find the letters in the answer or remove the incorrect letters from the keyboard.

- Focus on vowel words: Vowels serve as the backbone of short words like 5-letter Wordle words. This directly wipes out the five-letter rare words with no vowels from the possible answers.

- Find words with multiple vowels: Words with more vowels in the first word will reveal the letter distribution in the hidden word. In other words, you can narrow down your further speculation to vowels that are accepted or rejected.

- Fill in words containing untyped letters: In the second word, players find that reusing unique letters is the best method for further elimination.

- Find words based on the letters and their colors that you get.


Share your Wordle results

The reason Wordle has gone viral - aside from being a great game - is the mysterious method by which you can share your results. After completing a Wordle, tap "Share" to copy the results to the clipboard. The results are represented by colored emoji squares that correspond to the Wordle grid.


You can then paste this anywhere you like, but many people choose Twitter. If you've never played Wordle before, seeing the results is both confusing and fascinating. It simply says "Wordle", the number of puzzles, how many times you have solved it and then displays the emoji grid.


There is no link to the game. People began to wonder what this Wordle thing was that was constantly appearing on their timelines. It didn't take long for it to be parodied. Since then, Wordle has grown.


Train your brain with charades

Playing Wordle is a great way to put your mind at ease when you have a few minutes to spare. While it may not increase your intelligence, it is unquestionably enjoyable and distraction-free. Who knows, maybe you'll be sharing your results on Twitter soon?

Category and Tags

Wordle gameWordle unblockedwordle unlimited

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